UPDATE on Brittany Dangerfield
Brittany is still in the hospital in the mother and baby unit – but she’s out of ICU! (Your countless prayers have sustained her and strengthened her!) Her vitals remain normal and stable, and her fever is staying down!!! She’s still in pain, and she continues to battle with migraines. She had a 6-hour reprieve, then the migraines returned. She has gained relief from migraines through religious administrations. A big battle right now is management of pain (non-migraine related).
My personal note on pain: I don’t know how to explain this, but those of you who have experienced it will know what I’m talking about. To some degree I can relate personally with Brittany’s pain. When you’re body is shutting down and dying – it’s painful! It’s excruciating beyond words, be it infection, malnutrition, cancer, or some other cause that is triggering the shutdown. Brittany’s body went into septic shock – the body’s shutdown mode. Though her vitals are stable and she is “safely earth-side” and in the mother and baby unit, her body has been screaming in agony.
Brittany of course still needs our sustaining prayers. Please also pray for her physician that his heart and mind will be filled with light and inspiration on how to alleviate Brittany’s pain.
Your donations have begun to lift some of the stress from financial debt already – they can’t thank you enough! There is still a huge financial need to pay down the ICU debt. Their original hospital debt was $25,000. After another night in the ICU it jumped another $10,000 (totaling to $35,000).
Please continue to share and/or donate. Every share is making a huge difference — over 600 shares have reached thousands of people and has miraculously resulted in almost $8,000! Every prayer, every penny, ever share will make it plenty!
Some thoughts and feelings from my heart…
Since starting this Gofundme for Brittany I have struggled with not wanting to sleep. I’ve wanted to stay up late, post updates, reach out to more people to spread the word, etc. I’ve even been anxious about going to sleep, worried I’d wake up each morning to find that sharing and donations have taken a huge dip. I know what it’s like to live through my dear sweet friend and sister losing everything to medical bills – while fighting for her life. That is a burden, stress, strain, and trauma that no one deserves!
But every morning I’ve woken up to discover that so many of you have continued to use the various gifts that God has given you: money, time, strong faith-filled prayers, ability to offer words of comfort and encouragement, the ability to influence others, etc. Donations continue to pour in. Brittany’s story continues to be shared – globally – despite Instagram’s longest blackout in history!
I’ve had years of seeing evidence after evidence and feeling that most humans, institutions/organizations (and even sometimes God) are not dependable, fall through, disappoint, and hurt … that humans are generally not kind, thoughtful, sensitive, gentle, or dependable. Yet seeing thousands of you rally for Brittany is shattering this belief system. Words fail me… I’m still in shock. I still tear up. I still cry and sob. How can people be so kind?! This doesn’t fit in my old equations of “human = undependable+selfish+ulterior motives+unkind” and “God = loving – (but) inconsistent+undependable”! It just doesn’t fit!
Though I would never ever want or wish Brittany to suffer for any cause, even my own, I am so grateful to be a part of this. It is healing me in ways I was not even expecting.
Thank you – everyone – for your continued faith, prayers, words, actions, donations, and shares. Brittany and her entire family are overwhelmed and grateful beyond words. I me… ? Thank you for unknowingly and quite unexpectedly blessing and healing me with your outpouring goodness and support for Brittany.