• Photo Credit: Jessica Waite
    Marriage and Family Cupboard,  Survive Strive Heal Thrive

    What My Trauma “Demons” Taught Me

    I used to dread and loath when trauma demons from my past and present came for a visit. They’d come in the form of debilitating flashbacks, triggers, night terrors and nightmares, panic attacks, intrusive memories, and so much more. But then, I had an experience with one of these “demons” that changed everything. My daughter kept asking to go to the beautiful university gardens nearby. I avoided it and made excuses because I feared returning there. I knew it would trigger a suffocating amount of trauma demons. Even though I had graduated over a year prior, a paperwork issue arose that I needed to resolve. I did my best to…

  • Brittany Dangerfield,  Cupboards,  Inspiration and Empowerment Cupboard,  Marriage and Family Cupboard

    UPDATE on Brittany Dangerfield

    Brittany is still in the hospital in the mother and baby unit – but she’s out of ICU! (Your countless prayers have sustained her and strengthened her!) Her vitals remain normal and stable, and her fever is staying down!!! She’s still in pain, and she continues to battle with migraines. She had a 6-hour reprieve, then the migraines returned. She has gained relief from migraines through religious administrations. A big battle right now is management of pain (non-migraine related). My personal note on pain: I don’t know how to explain this, but those of you who have experienced it will know what I’m talking about. To some degree I can…