UPDATE: Brittany Dangerfield – Post Release
Thank you all so much for your patience. I pulled a 23-hour travel day Monday, arriving home early Tuesday morning. I am just now starting to recover!
Speaking of recovering I have an update for you on Brittany. After switching doctors in the hospital Brittany was able to start eating again, and tests results showed her sepsis markers coming down. Also, an after care plan was put in place. So Brittany was released from the hospital.
Brittany and Scott are SO happy to be home. Brittany says she’s so content snuggling little baby Gracie instead of a stuffed bunny. Brittany also said she feels very shook up physically, emotionally and spiritually after passing multiple times between life and death during the worst part of her ordeal. Both Brittany and Scott are struggling with the psychological trauma of the whole thing – anxiety, insomnia and nightmares are common and make it difficult for either of them to rest.
Brittany still isn’t “out of the woods” so to speak. Because the cause of the sepsis still has not been identified she is at high risk of relapse and other residual effects of sepsis. They’re working hard to implement a good after-care plan to help mitigate problems and reduce the risk. Multiple followup appointments are lined up this week and they’re hoping for some more answers especially as Brittany has had new, concerning symptoms crop up.
Please continue to keep Brittany and get family in your prayers, to share her story, and to donate. Every single little effort of support – in any way – truly is producing a wonderful miracle that continues to leave me in awe every day!