UPDATE – Brittany Dangerfield
Quick correction: Brittany is not in the Mother and Baby unit. She is in General Care.
On to the Update!
Scott says, “Brittany is still with us! I don’t say that lightly, but if you go to her instagram you can read the story posted.”
She’s still battling intense migraines, and at one point even turned to Scott and said, “I wonder how many people commit suicide because of migraines?”
This isn’t to show or say that Brittany is suicidal, Far from. It shows the empathy, compassion, and tenderness that she feels for all those who are impacted by migraines and the toll that it takes on a person’s morale. She feels deeply and is constantly thinking of others – even in the midst of her own personal battles.
It also shows how intense her pain has been. The Dr is only prescribing the lowest possible dose of pain medication and is reluctant to increase the dose. Even though it’s been a difficult 24 hours Brittany is doing better today and pulling through with grace. Your prayers, faith, and priesthood blessings (a common practice of administering to the sick in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) have all help sustain Brittany and ease her suffering and pain.
This morning the doctor said that all Brittany’s vitals and test results are looking good. All that’s needed is for the migraines to get under control and then he said … ! She might be going home TOMORROW!!!
Three days ago, during her early stay in the ICU, Brittany’s wonderful mother-in-law gave her a little stuffed bunny (pictured). Brittany has been sleeping with it on her chest ever since. Brittany said it reminds her of her and Scott’s sweet newborn baby, Gracie, who she misses so much.
Beyond being released from the hospital, Brittany is looking at a long road to recovery. Scott says that, “Her immune system will be recovering for a long time, there will be lactation specialists to try and get her milk supply back, day care, and more follow ups with other specialists.”
Your continued love and support will be welcomed!
Again and always, we (Brittany’s family and friends) are all so grateful for all your help: prayers, faith, encouraging words, love, influence, support, donations, and shares. I’m tearing up and just floored … a little over $1,000 donated through Venmo and a little over $9,000 donated via Gofundme. That’s $10,000 – almost HALFWAY to the $25,000 goal! Absolutely incredible!!!
In TWO DAYS . . .
201 Gofundme donors (not including Venmo!)
687 Gofundme (not including other social networking shares)
$10,000 for sweet Brittany
I cannot even begin to imagine what the rest of the week will bring! Let’s keep this going!