Hello! I’m Camilla and I am so humbled and excited to participate as a influencer and mommy-blogger.
I’ve been thinking, pondering, and wondering what I want my first post to be. I mean, this is the first domain I’ve ever owned – this is BIG!!! I want to shout my first message from the rooftops! I want it to be influential, have pizzazz, and change the world! (I have very high aspirations, dreams, and “wanna’s”.)
But more than anything I want to be real. I want to be genuine. I want to invite you into my life, my experience(s), to see, feel, know, understand, and experience with me the amazing wonderful, difficult, roller-coaster, frustrating, breathtaking experience that life just is. I hope that you can take something from my life, be inspired, be changed.
I have PJ days. I have days strewn with back-to-back appointments. I have difficult, frustrating moments (like when my service dog throws up in the middle of church). But I also have so many wonderful little moments that bring me joy, that teach, uplift, enlighten, me, that feed and touch my very soul. And even moments that change me.
The last 24 hours have been soul-feeding.
Yesterday I opened every window in the house to invite the deliciously reviving crisp Central Texas Fall breeze into my home. I purchased my first domain and host. My husband lit a fire in our fire pit and we settled down with our dinner bowls of curried root veggies and basmati rice and watched the sunset in the glow of fire. Nature is very soul-nourishing for me!
I awoke this morning feeling like I was camping in luxury. (I love the smells, sounds, and sensations of waking up in a tent – except the sensation of being sore.) Though the fire pit had been doused really well last night, the crisp morning breeze carried the aroma of smoldering mesquite tree right in through my bedroom window (and where was the fresh-caught wild hog bacon…?). I cooked up my half-paleo pancakes, soaked them in butter, and drizzled them with elderberry syrup. All while that same gentle, rejuvenating breeze blew through the house.
I got ready for church – not in a rush. I loaded into my car, and applied some Young Living Essential Oils to my in-car defuser (Thieves and Stress Away). Mmmmm what a way to start church!
I made it to church with plenty of time to spare. As the meeting progressed my mind kept being drawn back to my passion for creating. (I love creating and making my surroundings beautiful – it feeds me more than anything else I’ve ever done.) I was just so puzzled and struck with wonderment and awe at how powerful this “creating” thing is for me and how much it feeds me. Then the thought came into my mind that God is a creator – He organizes and orchestrates time, space, and matter. I felt God press on my heart that I have inherited His gifts and attributes for creating – He gave them to me. And I felt that He was pleased with how I’ve been using my “creator” gifts.
For those of you women who struggle with infertility you know. You know what it’s like to have that part of you somehow not working right, or health conditions prevent you from safely carrying a child … it feels like it tugs at your very identity as “woman”.
So to have God reach out and let me know He still loves me and approves of the ways I’m using my many “creator” gifts means more to me than any affirmation, compliment, or praise that mortals could ever give.
God reached out to me today as I hope he reaches out to you. You are His. He loves you infinitely and is intimately aware of your every heart’s desire, ache, and passion. And just as you’ve inherited some traits from your earthly parents, you’ve also inherited traits from your Heavenly Parentage. God has given you pieces of Himself. Those pieces are divine – you are a literal child of The Divine.
I didn’t last long at church today. Not because I started having a rough time. It was my service dog. He started panting heavily in an air-conditioned room. I took him outside for a break … diarrhea. (I guess the brackish water he caught a few laps of really upset his tummy and the Pepto hasn’t yet begun to work.) So I took him home and began writing my very first blog post. On my first, my very own domain!